"Be curious always! For knowledge will not acquire you; you must acquire it". – Sudie Back
In this section, you will find a comprehensive list of well-researched articles on insurance, helping you to make informed decisions on buying insurance. This in-depth library of consumer insurance articles will make you understand all facets of insurance, including life, health, motor, travel, home and investments. Dive in to know about the various tips and advice related to the insurance sector.
Motor Insurance Article Count: 68
Motor insurance is a mandatory vehicle insurance policy for vehicles like trucks, cars, jeeps, bikes, scooters, etc. With Motor Insurance, get comprehensive coverage against accidental damages and Third-party liabilities. Apart from that, it is also helpful at the time of natural calamity, theft, fire damage, vandalism, man-made disasters, etc. There are mainly three types of Motor Insurance covers available in India: third-party insurance cover, standalone damage cover, and comprehensive insurance cover. Here is a comprehensive guide explaining motor insurance, its meaning, types, and benefits.
Life Insurance Article Count: 40
Life Insurance is one of the essential investments of life, which everyone should make to secure the future of his or her family. It is worth buying who have one or more dependents, as in case of the demise of the only income earner, a life insurance policy plays a major role in helping your loved ones pay for huge unattained financial obligations and even day-to-day expenses. Undoubtedly, it is one of the most affordable ways of financially protecting your family, who are financially dependent on you such as your spouse, parents, or children. Here is a comprehensive guide that explains all about life insurance, its meaning, types, and benefits.
Health Insurance Article Count: 86
Health insurance provides financial protection to the policyholders against the costs arising out of any medical emergency. We live in an era where health threats are increasing daily. A serious medical emergency can leave a person with a huge financial hole and, most likely, cost more than their savings. In such situations, the importance of health insurance has become a necessity for everyone. Many health insurance companies in India offer various health insurance plans, but finding the best health plan is a daunting task. Here is a comprehensive guide which explains all about health insurance, its meaning, types, and benefits.
Travel Insurance Article Count: 18
Protect your travels with the best travel insurance plans. It’s a financial cushion designed specifically to offer you stress-free travel. Get coverage for medical emergencies, baggage loss, passport loss, and more. Get coverage for medical emergencies, baggage loss, passport loss, and more. A travel insurance cover from PBPartners is designed specifically to protect you when you encounter travel-related problems such as emergencies, hospitalization, theft, or trip interruptions. Here is a comprehensive guide to understanding what travel insurance is, its plans, and its benefits.
Other Insurance Article Count: 34
A person who works as a point of sale representative to offer insurance products is known as a POSP insurance agent. With PBPartners, there are numerous insurance options available to start a career as a PoSP insurance agent, including policies for automobiles, health, life, and travel. The process to become a POSP insurance agent is quick and convenient with PBPartners. With just 15 hours of training, you can be an insurance expert. We’ll help you learn everything you need to know! To learn more about how to be a POSP and the benefits of the same, read on!
Generic Article Count: 71
Read here all the current insurance trends, scenarios, and the latest happenings taking place in the insurance sector worldwide. A trend is what is hip or popular at a certain point in time. Some trends are fun, some fabulous, and some appalling, but as long as they last, you can be sure there will always be a new trend coming along to replace the old at PBPartners. Explore here all the insurance industry trends, and how insurers are evolving to shift to a more customer-centric business model.